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Wellesley Water Meadow

What is SANG?


A SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) is a green space that has been built to protect a SPA (Special Protection Area).

SANG Explained


The SANG acts as an alternative greenspace for the public to visit and enjoy whilst alleviating stress that can effect the ecosystem of the SPA by interference from the public. The SANG is part of a wider network known as the Thames Basin Heaths.

What does the SANG offer?


The SANG offers an amenity greenspace, where activities such as dog walking are encouraged as long as they are done responsibly and with the respect of the environment and others using the SANG.

Thames Basin Heaths

The Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas are one of the most important wildlife sites in Europe! If you have always lived and worked in this area, you might take for granted these swathes of heathland scattered across Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire, but they are precious remnants of an ancient landscape, and a haven for wildlife you won’t find elsewhere.  We need your help to protect it for both people and wildlife

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All illustrations of Wellesley Water Meadow are accredited to ACD Environmental.


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